Friday, March 27, 2015

Awareness is very important to prevent possible diseases due in part to bad habits practiced for years. If we are able to change those habits will we be able to reduce the physical ills. If we are also able to detect a disease-related symptoms in time, we atenuaremos adverse effects.

This for example is true in what has to do with the conditions of the skin which in many cases are due to having been exposed time after time in the direct light of the Sun without any protection. In the future we may develop various conditions if we are not careful. And having still been careful we must be attentive to the changes that occur in our body, which could reflect that something happens and we need medical attention.

This must have thought the startup behind the development of SkinScan. Under this name, we will find an application in the App Store that helps us to analyze our skin moles. We capturemos the Moon closely and the algorithm of the app will compare the shape of the stain with a previous photograph, to tell us if the dermal alteration has grown and therefore deserves to be seen by a specialist to have risk of melanoma, or if on the other hand, remains the same days ago.

Logically the application it cannot replace never scrutiny in the presence of an optional, but it can help us detect certain malformations which would have not been able to see on our own. Not in vain the company that has created this idea is composed among others by two dermatologists and two mathematicians.

His intention in the long term is to create a World analysed Lunar map, in fact they have already begun positioning on the map more than 1,500 dots coloured with their degree of danger. Just a curiosity that helps us to be aware that it is better to lose ten minutes looking at our skin to lose ten years of our lives by not having done so, as shown in the campaign against melanoma Foundation David Cornfield:

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